Visit Us
We are open Monday, and Thursday through Saturday from 10:30am to 5:00pm and Sunday from 11:00am to 4:30pm.
We are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, and are available by appointment, or by chance.

Area Accommodations
The Mayflower Grace, Washington
The Hopkins Inn On Lake Waramaug, New Preston
The Litchfield Inn, Litchfield
Area Attractions
Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden, Bethlehem
Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy, Litchfield
Tapping Reeve House & Law School
The Warner Theater, Torrington
White Memorial Conservation Center, Litchfield
da Capo Restaurant, Litchfield
Marketplace Tavern, Litchfield
Mockingbird Kitchen & Bar, Bantam
The Village Restaurant, Litchfield
Community Blogs & Information:
Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism