Queen Anne Carved Cherrywood Flat Top High Chest of Drawers
Probably Glastonbury, Connecticut
Ca. 1750-1780
Condition: Fine, some replaced brass.
The upper section is comprised of a compound molded overhanging top above three small drawers. The central square drawer features a carved, radiating and undulating fan and central roundel over four graduated long drawers. These drawers have thumb-molded edges which are centered by canted, fluted pilasters with lambrequin termini. The lower section is delineated with mid-molding above a long drawer and three small rectangular drawers. The center drawer also has an undulating carved fan and central roundel over a triple-rounded arch skirt resting on creased cabriole legs with carved stocking feet and high pad feet.
Dimensions: 73"h x 39 1/2"w x 19 1/4"d
Item ID: F-CP-HB 009